It is easy to build a product, the main thing is to sell the product. And if you have a Micro SaaS or want to enter such a project, it will not be the product that will be incredibly difficult for you. It will be all about reaching the customer! User acquisition is important!
I have built 3 Micro SaaS so far. The 1st one was 2nd was and 3rd was I built money from all of them. Even my last project passed the 700-user threshold. CreateTargetAudience built more than 1000$. I was a co-founder of Denizcan at that time. Now this product does not belong to me. But my memories are still fresh.
I’m sure you’re wondering. How did I convince 700 users to sign up? Did I write hundreds of DMs? Did I do cold emails? Actually, it all works. But I did it in a simpler way than what I’m doing now. Yeah, I did it by blogging. Let’s get to the bottom of your user acquisition.
How to Write a Blog in Micro Products? (User Acquisition)
If you have a micro product and you have difficulty finding customers for it, the easiest thing you need to do is to write a blog. Because it can work in many languages, the searcher can translate the articles into his own language. And already search engines like Google are run by robots. If you understand the language of robots, you will have the key to open the doors of the most mysterious rooms.
Now I know you need to write a blog. I’m telling you. So how are you going to write? Here, instead of talking about the blog infrastructure, I’ll talk more about how to write. Whether you use Ghost Blog or WordPress, it makes no difference. Because the event is not the infrastructure, the event is in your writing style.
For example, we have all used a pencil, but how many of us could write a Lord of the Rings? Or how many of us could write Harry Potter? So it was never about the pen. It’s not about technology or programming language fanaticism. It’s about how you use the technologies you have and know. Whether you write with a pencil or an ink pen, you can find mysterious treasures if you write the right words.
What are the Right Words?
Of course, as you can guess, this is SEO. It is also the emotion that makes you read up to this point in this article.
SEO + Emotion = Prosperity
SEO Usage in Micro Products
Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SemRush are always recommended for SEO. I use Google Keyword Planner because it is free. The first thing I learned about SEO was search competition. If the search competition was medium and high, your article could get more traffic. I went with this strategy for a long time. But what brought the most traffic, especially the most customers, was my articles with low competition. Because medium and high-competition articles are difficult to access. In other words, if you are a solo entrepreneur, it is really difficult to rank 1st in Google searches in a medium-competitive article. Especially in highly competitive ones, it is necessary to make a serious effort. If you have a micro product, your first articles should be low competition. In the following processes, you can switch to medium and high competition. But your first users will come to low-competition articles!
When you do a proper SEO in low-competitive articles, you will immediately rank 1st.
Low But How Low?
The number of monthly searches should be between 10 and 10 thousand. 10-100 or 100-1000 is quite nice. 100-1000 or 1000-10,000 is even better. You can use SemRush to find this point-by-point. But you can find it from Google Keyword Planner by guessing.
Acquisition with Image SEO!
You wrote your article, you sprinkled keywords into the article. This is not enough. Create images containing keywords on top of it. (keywords-bla-bla.jpg) But make sure they are clickable! For example, you can look at the pictures in this article. These are not randomly generated! One of the secret weapons here is Pinterest. (User acquisition)
Acquisition with Emotions!
I know you’re still reading this post! That’s a pretty good feeling. 🙂 Why have you read this far? How could I do that? Because of one very, very simple thing. I am a human being. And people talk to people. People talk freely. So don’t write like a robot! Write like you talk! This will add naturalness!
In Conclusion User Acquisition
By writing SEO + emotional articles, you can attract traffic in a very simple way and gain your first customers or your first members! I personally tried it and reached more than 700 members. I am trying it on this blog today and I know that one day thousands of people will sign up for the newsletter! You can write your name in history by being first in line. 😉 I would love to see you in the newsletter.