The biggest drama of solopreneurs is that they do everything themselves. This situation can cause problems as in my previous articles. One of these problems is not being able to see ahead.
The “ahead” here is the future moves. It is not knowing where to go and how to strategize. This comes from his ignorance on this subject.
What is the solution?
Prepare a roadmap for yourself and your product. I prepared a roadmap for myself with Notion. You can click and use it.
This is quite simple. There are 2 columns. One is to do and the other is done. Write what you will do completely. And if you approve it, it moves to the finished column. At this point, you have to list the to-do’s.
The top one is the first one to be done. The one below that is the next to do.
I can do one thing. I have trouble doing things at the same time, except games and driving. Of course, when I start a job, it’s about me being overly focused and getting into the flow. This was very difficult when I was making the product and even growing the product. It was very difficult to do everything at the same time. I’m still struggling, but I’m updating the way I do it.
Every day I look at the roadmap and try to do the other one when one is done. This offers a cleaner working environment. I recommend it.
This also applies to your own life. What kind of life do you want to live? What do you need to achieve it?
How can you reach that need? After thinking about these things, your path will eventually intersect with the road map. But often people don’t make this roadmap and try to figure it out in their minds. The bad news is that we can forget. For a while, you forget your purpose and you forget to do the actions that will make you happy. You realize this at first unhappiness. Sometimes this happens after 1 month, sometimes after 4 months, and this is a terrible waste of time. You have ruined 4 months of your life. Just because you put the information in memory because you think you are so good. Write it down! Take notes! Create a road map and remember where you are going!
I will continue to share my learnings and experiences about more micro SaaS. You can subscribe to the newsletter for free to be informed about new articles. See you in the next article!